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Skin Tightening

Experience a revitalized, youthful glow with our advanced Skin Tightening treatments at Alomar Aesthetics & Wellness, proudly serving St. Petersburg, FL, and the surrounding areas. We utilize cutting-edge technologies for optimal results, tailored to your unique needs.

a woman with a bun on her head is looking over her shoulder at the camera .
a man wearing black gloves is getting a treatment from a doctor

Understanding Skin Tightening

At Alomar Aesthetics & Wellness, skin tightening is more than a service; it's a science-backed approach to revitalizing your skin. Our treatments involve using innovative technologies such as Denza and AgeJET that work to stimulate collagen production, thereby naturally tightening and smoothing your skin.

The result is a firmer, more youthful appearance that exudes radiance. Whether you are targeting your face, eyes, neck, or abdomen, our team of skilled professionals curates personalized treatment plans to address your unique needs and aesthetic goals, helping you embrace a redefined version of yourself.

a person wearing black gloves is using a device on another person 's face
a woman with curly hair and hoop earrings is holding her hair .

The Process of Skin Tightening

The Consultation

The journey to firmer, younger-looking skin begins with a comprehensive consultation. Our experts discuss your aesthetic goals, evaluate your skin condition, and recommend the most suitable skin tightening treatment tailored to your unique needs and desired outcomes.

The Treatment

The actual treatment involves using advanced technologies like Denza or AgeJET to deliver controlled energy to the deeper layers of the skin. This process stimulates collagen production, promotes cell turnover, and tightens the skin, all while ensuring a comfortable experience.

The Aftercare

Post-treatment, we provide guidance on aftercare to enhance the results and longevity of the treatment. Our expert team also schedules follow-up visits to monitor your progress, making necessary adjustments to ensure you're on track to achieving your aesthetic goals.

Denza Skin Tightening Treatments

Denza is an advanced skin tightening technology that stimulates collagen production to firm and rejuvenate your skin. Here's a rundown of our Denza treatments:

  • Face ($2500): Our face treatment focuses on reducing wrinkles and fine lines, promoting a youthful and radiant appearance.
  • Face + Eyes ($3250): This comprehensive treatment targets both facial skin and the delicate area around the eyes, restoring firmness and elasticity.
  • Face, Neck + Eyes ($3500): For complete rejuvenation, this treatment addresses the face, neck, and eyes, providing a lift and tightened appearance.
  • Eyes Only ($1000): Concentrated on the eyes, this treatment reduces crow's feet and under-eye sagging.
  • Abdomen ($2500): Designed for the abdominal area, this treatment tightens loose skin, resulting in a toned and sculpted look.

No matter your aesthetic goal, our Denza treatments are designed to provide you with the desired skin tightening results, reaffirming your confidence and enhancing your natural beauty.

a woman is laying on a bed getting a treatment on her stomach .
a woman is laying in front of a machine that says airjet on it

AgeJET Skin Tightening Treatments

AgeJET is a revolutionary skin tightening solution that uses the power of jet technology for a natural, non-invasive lift. Explore our AgeJET treatments:

  • Face ($1000/single session, $2500/3 sessions): This treatment targets facial skin, reducing signs of aging, and promoting a more youthful complexion.
  • Face + Eyes ($1250/single session, $3000/3 sessions): A comprehensive approach to rejuvenating the face and eye area, restoring firmness and reducing wrinkles.
  • Face + Neck ($1500/single session, $4000/3 sessions): Targeting the face and neck, this treatment enhances skin elasticity, providing a natural lift.
  • Face, Neck + Eyes ($2000/single session, $5000/3 sessions): For total rejuvenation, this treatment targets the face, neck, and eyes, offering overall firmness and radiance.

All treatments are designed to deliver lasting results, helping you age gracefully.


Navigating your journey towards rejuvenated, firmer skin can be filled with questions. Here are answers to some common queries about our skin tightening services at Alomar Aesthetics & Wellness.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • Are skin tightening treatments painful?

    We prioritize your comfort during all procedures at Alomar Aesthetics & Wellness. While each person's pain tolerance varies, skin tightening treatments are generally well-tolerated with minimal discomfort. 

    Most clients describe the sensation during treatment as a warm tingling or slight heat. Post-treatment, there may be some mild redness or swelling, which usually subsides within a few hours.

  • How long does it take to see results from a skin tightening treatment?

    The timeline for visible results varies for each individual and depends on the area treated and the specific treatment used. However, most clients start seeing improvements within a few weeks of their first treatment. 

    The full effects become more apparent over the course of several months as your body continues to produce new collagen. During your consultation at our St. Petersburg, FL clinic, we will provide a more precise timeline based on your specific treatment plan.

  • Can I return to my normal activities after a skin tightening treatment?

    Yes, one of the advantages of our skin tightening treatments is that they are non-invasive with little to no downtime. Most clients can resume their regular activities immediately after treatment. 

    However, we advise you to avoid direct sun exposure and strenuous exercise for 24 hours post-treatment to allow your skin to recover optimally. Our team will provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure you get the best results from your skin firming treatment.

  • Can skin tightening treatments be combined with other aesthetic services?

    Absolutely, skin tightening treatments can complement other aesthetic services for enhanced results. In fact, it's common for our clients to combine facial tightening procedures with services like injectables or microneedling. 

    For instance, injectables like Botox or fillers can smooth out wrinkles and add volume, while microneedling can promote skin regeneration and further enhance firmness and texture. 

    If weight loss is your goal, combining skin tightening treatments with our medical weight loss service can help tighten any loose skin resulting from weight loss. 

    During your consultation, our team can recommend the most beneficial combination of treatments based on your specific aesthetic goals.

See the Alomar Difference: Our Client Reviews

Ready for a Skin Transformation?

Embrace the beauty of firmer, younger-looking skin with our advanced skin tightening services. At Alomar Aesthetics & Wellness, we're excited to guide you on this transformative journey. Get in touch with us today to schedule your consultation and start your path to radiance.

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